Our factory is located in Shanghai which is one of the world’s most important financial centre and an important transport hub with the world’s largest container port. The production of our product line with PM stepper motors are produced here. We combine our factory with motor and cable harness production to be able to offer a final motor solution. Many of our customers’ requests sub-assemblies where the motor is assembled together with other parts to a finished product. This has resulted that Stegia is offering OEM manufacturing. Stegia has the possibility to offer pre series in Västerås to ensure right quality before producing bigger volumes in Shanghai.
The strategic decision to place the factory in Shanghai is to be price competitive but also the strategic location. Many of our Scandinavian customers has their manufacturing plant in Shanghai which makes the logistics very smooth and cost efficient.
Simon Xu is General Manager in Shanghai and has experience from manufacturing companies in international environments. We have also quality engineers, production engineers and process engineers on site.